Glamis Mill: building survey
NO 38593 46510 A standing building survey was undertaken in June 2011 at the mill which stands on the edge of the village of Glamis. It is thought to date from the early 19th century when it was used to process flax. The power of its 5.9m-diameter waterwheel was augmented in 1820 when a steam engine was added and eventually its role was given over to making bobbins. The now derelict building is to…
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- John Lewis
- S Scott
- John Frederick Lewis
- Archaeology Data Service
- Mill
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Aldi baterako
- Post Medieval
- Early 19th Century
- 1820
- 1820
- Glamis Mill: building survey GLAMIS ANGUS Scotland
- OASIS Id: scotiaar1-104662
- ADSlibrary/1115767
- English
- 1820
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- United Kingdom
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- 2020-06-09T09:14:44.569Z
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- 2022-07-23T22:20:57.607Z
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Archaeology Data Service
Burckhardt John Lewis
Braidense National Library
Burckhardt, John-Lewis
Austrian National Library