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Roman objects from Bartlow hills, Cambridgeshire
The drawing shows a bronze dish with a bronze jug in it, a detail of the handle of the jug, a glass beaker or vase, and three pottery jars, excavated from the north barrow of the Bartlow Hills. The objects were found in a wooden box.
Elementu hau Archaeology Data Service k hornitu eta mantentzen du
- Basire, James
- British Museum
- Buckler, John Chessell
- Gage, John
- Storm, G F
- Drawings
- Engravings/Etchings/Lithographs
- Glass
- Metalwork
- Pottery/Ceramics
- archaeology
- Beira
- Goldwork
- Marrazki
- Arkeologia
- Basire, James
- British Museum
- Buckler, John Chessell
- Gage, John
- Storm, G F
- Drawings
- Engravings/Etchings/Lithographs
- Glass
- Metalwork
- Pottery/Ceramics
- archaeology
- Beira
- Goldwork
- Marrazki
- Arkeologia
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Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/
- Basire, James|British Museum|Buckler, John Chessell|Gage, John|Storm, G F
Aldi baterako
- Roman
- Ashdon
- Bartlow
- Cambridgeshire
- England
- Essex
- Europe
- United Kingdom
- …
- Bartlow
- Erresuma Batua
- Ingalaterra
- Society of Antiquaries of London Catalogue of Drawings and Museum Objects: Britannia Romana
- Archaeology Data Sevice
- society_albums/britannia_romana/br31-3
Honen parte da
- http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/SoA_images/index.cfm?CFID=9579&CFTOKEN=BF7E76A0-D723-4BB2-9AC4B2BE9A527C12
erreferentzia egiten du
- British Museum, Guide to the Antiquities of Roman Britain 2nd ed. (London: British Museum, 1958), p. 56.|British Musuem, A Guide to the Antiquities of Roman Britain in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities (London: British Museum, 1922), pp. 96-7.|John Gage Rokewood, 'An Account of the Final Excavations Made at the Bartlow Hills', Archaeologia 29 (1842): 1-4. Illustration (Engraving), pl. I, opp. p. 4.|John Gage, ' An Account of Further Discoveries of Roman Sepulchral Relics at the Bartlow Hills', Archaeologia 28 (1840): 1-6.|John Gage, 'The Recent Discovery of Roman Sepulchral Relics in One of the Greater Barrows at Bartlow, in the Parish of Ashdon, in Essex', Archaeologia 26 (1836): 300-17.
Herrialde hornitzailea
- United Kingdom
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Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2020-10-26T02:53:22.909Z
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- 2022-07-23T22:20:57.607Z
Ezagutu erlazionatutako bildumak
Ezagutu erlazionatutako elementuak
Basire, James; British Museum; Buckler, John Chessell; …
Archaeology Data Service
Basire, James; British Museum; Buckler, John Chessell; …
Archaeology Data Service
Basire, James; British Museum; Buckler, John Chessell; …
Archaeology Data Service
Basire, James; British Museum; Buckler, John Chessell; …
Archaeology Data Service