Paphos castle
Paphos castle has been a declared Ancient Monument since 1935 and a UNESCO World Heritage List monument, along with other monuments of the archaeological park of Paphos, since 1980. It is located in the harbour area of Paphos town and its main role was to control the gateway of the port and provide defence against any hostile troops . Most scholars agree upon the mid-/late-14th century as its date…
- Department of Antiquities, Cyprus
- Frankish house of Lusignan
- Library of Cyprus University of Technology
- Digital Heritage Research Lab Cyprus University of Technology
- antiquities (object genre)
- castles (fortifications)
- coastal fortifications
- fortifications
- forts
- monuments
- World Heritage Sites
- castle
- historic building
- historic buildings
- antiquities (object genre)
- castles (fortifications)
- coastal fortifications
- fortifications (built environment)
- monuments
- World Heritage Sites
- images (object genre)
- Monumentu
- Gaztelu
Elementu mota
- Medieval (European) (Medieval styles and periods
- Venetian (Republic, culture or style)
- 20th century CE
- Modern (style or period)
- Medieval (European) (Medieval styles and periods
- 14th century CE
- Department of Antiquities, Cyprus
- Frankish house of Lusignan
- Library of Cyprus University of Technology
- Digital Heritage Research Lab Cyprus University of Technology
- antiquities (object genre)
- castles (fortifications)
- coastal fortifications
- fortifications
- forts
- monuments
- World Heritage Sites
- castle
- historic building
- historic buildings
- antiquities (object genre)
- castles (fortifications)
- coastal fortifications
- fortifications (built environment)
- monuments
- World Heritage Sites
- images (object genre)
- Monumentu
- Gaztelu
Elementu mota
- Medieval (European) (Medieval styles and periods
- Venetian (Republic, culture or style)
- 20th century CE
- Modern (style or period)
- Medieval (European) (Medieval styles and periods
- 14th century CE
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
Sortze data
- mid-/late- 14th century
Aldi baterako
- Frankish (1191-1489)
- Venetian (1489-1571)
- Ottoman (1571-1878)
- British (1878-1960)
- Modern (1960-2008)
- Medieval European (1200-1499)
- Paphos Castle
- jpeg
- en
- el
- ell
- eng
Honen parte da
- Europeana Archaeology
- …
erreferentzia egiten du
- [1] V. Lysandrou, A. Agapiou, M. Ioannides, N. Kantiranis, E. Charalambous, and D. Hadjimitsis, “Integrated Investigation of Built Heritage Monuments: The Case Study of Paphos Harbour Castle, Cyprus,” Heritage, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–14, 2018. [2] J. S. Petre, Crusader Castles of Cyprus: The Fortifications of Cyprus Under The Lusignans: 1191-1489. Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus LXIX, 2012. [3] C. Enlart, L Art Gothique et de la Renaissance en Chypre. Paris: Republished translated and edited by David Hunt (London, 1987), 1899. [4] G. Jeffery, A Description of the Historic Monuments of Cyprus: Studies in the Archaeology and Architecture of the Island. Cyprus, 1918. [5] E. Aristidou, Pafos Castle. Nicosia, 1994. [6] C. Corvisier, “Le chateau de Pafos,” in L Art gothique en Chypre, Paris, 2006. [7] G. Grivaud, Excerpta Cypria Nova, Vol. I. Nicosia: Voyageurs Occidentaux a Chypre au XVeme Siecle, Centre de Recherches Scientifiques. Sources et Etudes de L’Histoire de Chypre, 1990. [8] C. D. Cobham, Exerpta Cypria, Materials for a History of Cyprus. 1969. [9] R. C. Severis, Monuments and Memories, Castles and Forts of Cyprus. Nicosia: The Hellenic Bank, 2011. [10] M. Sanuto, I Diarii di Marino Sanuto. Venezia, 1969. [11] G. G. Cavazzana Romanelli, F., Cyprus 1542. The Great Map of the Island by Leonida Attar. Nicosia, 2006. [12] G. Hill, A History of Cyprus, Vol. II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1948. [13] Chroniques d’Amadi et de Strambaldi, Vol. I. Paris: Collection de documents inedits sur l’histoire de France, Ed. de Mas Latrie, R., 1891. [14] F. Bustron, Chronique de l’Île de Chypre. Paris: ed. Rene de Mas Latrie. Collection des documents inedits sur l’ histoire de France: Melanges historiques, 5, 1886. [15] S. Lusignan, Description de Toute L’Isle de Chypre. Paris: Republished in Nicosia, 2004, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 1580. [16] A. Thevet, Cosmographie de Levant. 1556. [17] L. Makhairas, Recital concerning the Sweet Land of Cyprus entitled “Chronicle.” Oxford, 1932. [18] R. C. Severis, Travelling Artists in Cyprus: 1700-1960. Philip Wilson Publishers, 2000. [19] K. Bonato, L., Yiakoumis, H., Kadir, The Island of Cyprus. A Photographic Itinerary from the 19th to the 20th Century. 2006.
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Cyprus
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- 2020-09-23T12:59:57.605Z
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- 2020-11-09T06:34:07.267Z