Works (Latin) / Boethius
De divisione
De definitione
De syllogismo hypothetico
De syllogismo categorico
Introductio ad syllogismos categoricos
De dialectica
decorated initials, diagrams
- Boethius, Pseudo-
- Severino Boezio
- Alkuin
- Gaius Marius Victorinus
- Severino Boezio
- Alkuin
- Gaius Marius Victorinus
- artes (MMDC)
- medieval theology/philosophy (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture
Elementu mota
- manuscripts (documents)
- Eskuizkribu
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergamino
- Boethius, Pseudo-
- Severino Boezio
- Alkuin
- Gaius Marius Victorinus
- Severino Boezio
- Alkuin
- Gaius Marius Victorinus
- artes (MMDC)
- medieval theology/philosophy (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture
Elementu mota
- manuscripts (documents)
- Eskuizkribu
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergamino
Erakunde hornitzailea
Bitarteko hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
Sortze data
- [11th century]
- 1000-1100
- XI. mendea
- 1000/1100
- 10XX
- XI. mendea
- Apennine Peninsula?
- Italy
- Italia
Egungo kokapena
- Leiden University Library
- Bought from the library of F. Nansius.
- Nansius, Franciscus, (1525-1595)
- Shelfmark: BPL 84
- 1 volume, 103 leaves
- 264x152 mm
- books
- Liburu
- lat
- Latin
- lat
Honen parte da
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Bibliotheca Publica Latina
erreferentzia egin da
- Catalogus compendiarius 1932 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 1 (Leiden 1932), p. 104
- Dutton 1997 = P.E. Dutton, 'Minding Irish Ps and Qs. Signs of the first systematic reading of Eirugena's Periphyseon'. In: J. Brown & W.P. Stoneman (eds.). A distinct voice. [Festschrift] L.E. Boyle. Notre Dame (Ind.) 1997, p. 14-31.
- Gumbert 2009 = J.P. Gumbert, Illustrated Inventory of Medieval Manuscripts. Vol. 2. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek BPL (Hilversum 2009), nr. 1171
- Hulshoff Pol 1976 = E. Hulshoff Pol, 'Franciscus Nansius und seine Handschriften'. In: J.P. Gumbert & al. (eds.), Essays presented to G.I. Lieftinck. Vol. 4. (Amsterdam 1976), p. 79-102, i.c. p. 98
- MMDC = Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
- Molhuysen 1912 = P.C. Molhuysen, Codices Bibliothecae Publicae Latini. Leiden 1912, p. 45
- Obertello 1969 = L. Obertello (ed.), A.M. Severino Boezio, De hypotheticis syllogismis. Brescia 1969.
- Riesenweber 2015 = T. Riesenweber (ed.), C. Marius Victorinus. Commenta in Ciceronis Rhetorica. Berlin 2015. 2 vols., vol. 1, p. 7, 427 (n. 3); vol. 2, p. 118
- Senguerdius & 1716 = W. Senguerdius & al., Catalogus librorum tam impressorum quam manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Publicae Universitatis Lugduno-Batavae. Leiden 1716, p. 328
ezagutu du
- Franciscus Nansius
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Netherlands
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2021-12-21T16:02:40.639Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-02-28T18:55:56.900Z
Edukien taula
- Contains: (ff. 1r-8v) De divisione / Boethius. – (ff. 9r-16v) De definitione / Pseudo-Boethius (Marius Victorinus). – (ff. 17r-44v) De syllogismo hypothetico / Boethius. – (ff. 45r-67r) De syllogismo categorico / Boethius. – (ff. 67v-89v) Antepraedicamenta / Boethius. – (ff. 90r-103v) De dialectica / Alcuin of York.