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Virginia Zeani
12 tulosta palautettu
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Virginia Zeani
Romanian opera singer
Italy - refresher prizes delivered
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome Virginia Zeani and two women at a reception after a first at the opera house
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome Virginia Zeani with a boy at a reception after a premiere at the opera house
Cinecittà - Luce
Italy - gala evening in Rome for the delivery of silver masks
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome resumed in conversation in an interior Nicola Rossi Lemeni, Virginia Zeani and Giusep…
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome Virginia Zeani and Renzo Rossellini at a reception after a first at the opera house
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome Virginia Zeani toasts with Roberto Rossellini during a cocktail after a first at the …
Cinecittà - Luce
Milan awarded gold records
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome Virginia Zeani, Renzo Rossellini and other people at a reception after a first at the…
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome (Irginia Zeani, Renzo Rossellini and other people eat at a reception after a first at…
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome Piero Zuffi, Virginia Zeani and Renzo Rossellini at a reception after a first at the …
Cinecittà - Luce
Rome Virginia Zeani and a woman at a reception after a first at the opera house.
Cinecittà - Luce
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