71 tulokset sisällä Henkilö Antonio Ghislanzoni

71 tulosta palautettu

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Antonio Ghislanzoni

Italian journalist, poet, and novelist (1824-1893)

Ludwig van Beethoven; Antonio Ghislanzoni

Bucharest Metropolitan Library

Parlophon Record; Ghislanzoni, Antonio; Denera, Erna; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

International Talking Machine Company

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

German Grammophone; Ghislanzoni, Antonio; Kurt, Melanie

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Kemp, Barbara

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Display-Volksverband, Clangor records (Berlin); Ghislanzoni, Antonio

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Bavarian State Library

Columbia Graphophone Company (London); Mullings, Frank

Saxon State and University Library Dresden