71 tulokset sisällä Paikka Besançon

71 tulosta palautettu

Hakusi ei tuottanut enempää tuloksia.


Kaupunki Itä-Ranskassa

Escobar, Andrès de (1348-1439). Auteur du texte; Hugues de Saint-Cher (1190?-1263). Auteur du texte; Denis le Chartreux (1402?-1471). Auteur du texte; …

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

Museum of City History Leipzig

State Archives of Baden-Württemberg

State Archives of Baden-Württemberg

Epigraphic Database Heidelberg

Epigraphic Database Heidelberg

Silhouette cutter: Georg Friedrich Ayrer

Museum of City History Leipzig

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France

National Library of France



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