Excursion through the Norwegian fjords
With this extra tour we fulfill the spectator wish of Khalid Eid Adam from Manama in Bahrain. We set up for him in the West of Norway. In the city of Bergen one of the most popular day trips in the country starts, with the name\ "Norway in a nut bowl\." In about nine hours we go by train, mountain railway and boat from the lowlands to the high mountains and through the fjords.
Tämän aineisto tarjoaa ja ylläpitää Deutsche Welle
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Aineisto tyyppi
- factual
Aineisto tyyppi
- factual
Aineiston tarjoaja
Tämän aineisto median lisenssi (ellei toisin mainita)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- 24.07.2013
- 2013-07-24
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/data/euscreenXL/1057447
- german
- deu
On osa
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
- Germany
Kokoelman nimi
Julkaistu ensimmäistä kertaa Europeana
- 2014-07-08T14:45:05.172Z
Viimeksi päivitetty aineiston tarjoajalta
- 2021-11-10T18:12:47.389Z