résultats dans
Friedrich Plaschke
Friedrich Plaschke
Chanteur tchèque
German Grammophone; Thomas, Ambroise; Plaschke- from the East, Eve
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone Company
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Barbier, Jules
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone Company; Scribe, Eugène
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone Company
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone Company
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Disque Pathé
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Barbier, Jules
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone Company
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Disque Pathé; Barbier, Jules
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
German Grammophone; Wagner, Richard; Böhm van Endert, Elisabeth
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
German Grammophone; Wagner, Richard; Böhm van Endert, Elisabeth
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone Company
Saxon State and University Library Dresden