43 résultats dans Personne Anne-Amélie de Brunswick

43 résultats retournés

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Anne-Amélie de Brunswick

Compositrice allemande

State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt - State Museum for Prehistory

Freies Deutsches Hochstift / Frankfurter Goethe-Museum

Freies Deutsches Hochstift / Frankfurter Goethe-Museum

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

Schäfer, Friedrich (?-1776); Münzmeister; Stockmar, Johann Wolfgang Heinrich (1707-1785); Stempelschneider

Numismatic Collection, Berlin State Museums

State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt - State Museum for Prehistory

Löber, Johann Friedrich (Production), 1724-1772 (Verleger)

Berlin State Library

Schlegel, Johann Gottfried (production), 1767-1774 (architect)

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

German Documentation Center for Art History - Marburg Picture Index

Schäfer, Friedrich (?-1776); Münzmeister; Stockmar, Johann Wolfgang Heinrich (1707-1785); Stempelschneider

Numismatic Collection, Berlin State Museums