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The Lambousa Fishing Trawler
The Lambousa Fishing Trawler is considered a unique historical fishing boat of modern Cyprus culture with rich activity in the eastern Mediterranean waters. It was originally named "Omonoia", and built at Perama, Piraeus in 1955 by Dimitrios Zacharias. It was given the name "Lambousa" when it arrived at the Famagusta port in 1965. The boat was used for fishing in the Mediterranean Sea for 50 years…
- Dimitrios Zacharias
- Wooden Fishing Trawler
Type d'item
- chaloupe de pêche
Institution partenaire
Licence du support dans cet enregistrement (sauf indication contraire)
Date de création
- 1955 AD
- 1955
- Length Over All (L.O.A): 24,95m Maximum Breath (M.B.): 6,54m Length of the Keel (L.K.): 19,93m Length of Bow (L.B.): 3,73m Length of Stern (L.S.): 2,72m Depth of Bow (D.B.): 4,91m Depth of Stern (D.S.): 5,31m Height of the Mid-frame (M.D.): 4,02m
Fait partie de
- EUreka3D
- 1955
Pays fournisseur
- Cyprus
Nom de la collection
Première publication sur Europeana
- 2024-11-04T11:21:43.725Z
Dernière mise à jour de l'Institution partenaire
- 2024-11-13T12:38:32.535Z
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Municipality of Limassol
UNESCO and ERA Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage - Digital Heritage Research Lab Cyprus University of Technology
Chrysoula Alexandrou
UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage