Yoga on the rise in Kenya
From its roots in ancient India, Yoga has spread all over the world. It is now practised in many different forms. One of yoga's youngest markets is Kenya, where an increasing number of yoga studios have started up over the last few years. Moses Mukulwe Mbaja, was one of the first teachers trained in Nairobi by the Africa Yoga Project, which provides prospects to unemployed youth.
Type d'item
- factual
Institution partenaire
Licence du support dans cet enregistrement (sauf indication contraire)
Date d'émission
- 2014-10-30
- 2014-10-30
- english
- eng
Fait partie de
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Pays fournisseur
- Germany
Nom de la collection
Première publication sur Europeana
- 2015-06-02T12:06:12.307Z
Dernière mise à jour de l'Institution partenaire
- 2021-11-10T18:12:47.389Z