69 torthaí laistigh de Duine Erik Schmedes

69 torthaí ar ais

Níl aon toradh eile ann ar d'iarratas cuardaigh.

Erik Schmedes

Amhránaí ceoldrámaíochta Danmhargach

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Schmedes, Erik; Wagner, Richard

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Schmedes, Erik; Wagner, Richard

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Schmedes, Erik; Wagner, Richard

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Society for historical sound recordings

Society for historical sound recordings

Society for historical sound recordings

Society for historical sound recordings

Society for historical sound recordings

Society for historical sound recordings

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Schmedes, Erik; Wagner, Richard

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Wagner, Richard; Schmedes, Erik

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Leoncavallo, Ruggiero; Schmedes, Erik

Saxon State and University Library Dresden