7 torthaí laistigh de Duine Ethelbert Nevin

7 torthaí ar ais

Níl aon toradh eile ann ar d'iarratas cuardaigh.

Ethelbert Nevin

Pianódóir agus cumadóir Meiriceánach

Victor Talking Machine Company; Parker, Little Junior; Eames, Emma

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

The Gramophone Name after submission: The Gramophone Company, Limited, and Sister Companies; Gramophone Monarch Record; Nevin, Ethelbert

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Stanton, Frank Lebby

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Parlophon; Nevin, Ethelbert

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Victor Talking Machine Company; Turner, Alan

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Columbia Graphophone Company (London); Cadman, Charles Wakefield; Stanton, Frank Lebby

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

National Library of Spain