1,287 torthaí laistigh de Duine Livias
Roman historian (59 BC – AD 17)
Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage
Leiden University Libraries
Leiden University Libraries
University Library Freiburg
Heidelberg University Library
Tytus Liwiusz; Ostertag, Johann Philips
Elbląska Digital Library
Tytus Liwiusz; Ostertag, Johann Philips
Elbląska Digital Library
jn19981001759; Titus Livius
National Library of the Czech Republic
Titus Livius; jn19981001759
National Library of the Czech Republic
Titus Livius; jn19981001759
National Library of the Czech Republic
Titus Livius; Henricus Glareanus; Veit Amerbach; …
National Library of the Czech Republic
Titus Livius; jn19981001759
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic