Liber manualis of Ademar of Chabannes
Historia Langobardorum
Sententiae septem sapientium
De laboribus Herculis
Carmen de ponderibus
Accessus ad Donatum
Ars Minor
drawings, marginal illustration
- Adémar de Chabannes
- Aratus, Pseudo-
- Bede, the Venerable, Pseudo-
- Gauzbertus
- Ovid, Pseudo-
- Paulinus, of Nola, Pseudo-
- Priscian, Pseudo-
- Prosper, of Aquitaine, Pseudo-
- Symphosius, Pseudo-
- Virgil, Pseudo-
- Alcuin
- Adémar de Chabannes
- Aldhelm
- Avianus
- Naomh Agaistín
- Ausonius
- Bede
- Aelius Donatus
- Gaius Iulius Hyginus
- Bernard Itier
Cineál míre
- manuscripts (documents)
- illuminated manuscripts
- Lámhscríbhinn
- Lámhscríbhinn dhathmhaisithe
- parchment (animal material)
- Pár
- Adémar de Chabannes
- Aratus, Pseudo-
- Bede, the Venerable, Pseudo-
- Gauzbertus
- Ovid, Pseudo-
- Paulinus, of Nola, Pseudo-
- Priscian, Pseudo-
- Prosper, of Aquitaine, Pseudo-
- Symphosius, Pseudo-
- Virgil, Pseudo-
- Alcuin
- Adémar de Chabannes
- Aldhelm
- Avianus
- Naomh Agaistín
- Ausonius
- Bede
- Aelius Donatus
- Gaius Iulius Hyginus
- Bernard Itier
Cineál míre
- manuscripts (documents)
- illuminated manuscripts
- Lámhscríbhinn
- Lámhscríbhinn dhathmhaisithe
- parchment (animal material)
- Pár
Institiúidí soláthartha
Soláthraí idirmheánach
Ráiteas um Chearta Ceadúnas do na meáin sa mhír seo (mura sonraítear a mhalairt)
Dáta cruthaithe
- [first half 11th century (c. 1023-1025), with some 10th and 13th century fragments and notes]
- 1023-1025
- 11ú haois
- 1023/1025
- 11ú haois
- France, southern part, Limoges
- Limoges
- France
- An Fhrainc
- Limoges
Suíomh reatha
- Leiden University Library
- Part of the library of Isaac Vossius, which was bought from his heirs in 1690.
- Owned by the Benedictines of St. Martial in Limoges, according to a note on f. 141v: "hic est liber sanctissimi domini nostri Marcialis Lemouicensis ex libris bone memorie ademari grammatici", and to a 13th-century note on f. 212v: "Raymundus de Begonac me fueratus fuit".
- Ademarus, Cabannensis, (988-1034)
- Raymund, of Begonac
- Vossius, Isaac, (1618-1689)
- Benedictines of St. Martial, male, Limoges
- Shelfmark: VLO 15
- 1 volume, 212 leaves
- 160x105-250x150 mm
- books
- Leabhar
- lat
- Latin
- lat
Is cuid de
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Vossius, I.(1618-1689)
Tagraítear dó
- Alexander 1992 = J.J.G. Alexander, Medieval illuminators and their methods of work. New Haven 1992, (ad: f. 2v-3r)
- Ballaira 1982 = G. Ballaira, Per il catalogo dei codici di Prisciano. Torino 1982.
- Baragli 2002 = S. Baragli, Costruire nel Medioevo. Da Lanfranco al Campiones. Modena 2002, (ad: f. 43r)
- Barrière & 1995 = B. Barrière & al., Splendeurs de St-Martial de Limogs au temps d'Adémar de Chabannes. Limoges 1995, p. 79-85, 98
- Bergmann & 2005 = R. Bergmann & S. Stricker (eds.), Katalog der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossenhandschriften. Vol. 2 (Berlin/New York 2005), nr. 373 (ad: pars 6)
- Bertini & 1988 = F. Bertini & P. Gatti (eds.), Ademaro di Chabannes. Favole. [Genova] 1988.
- Bethe 1893 = E. Bethe, 'Aratillustrationen'. In: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie N.F. 48(1893), p. 91-109, p. 93 (n. 4), p. 102 (n. 1)
- Bischoff 1971 = B. Bischoff, 'Die Überlieferung der technischen Literatur'. In: G.B. Pellegrini & al. (eds.), Artigianato et tecnica nella società dell'alto medioevo occidentale. Spoleto 1971, vol. 1, p. 267-296, i.c. p. 295
- Bischoff 1984 = B. Bischoff (ed.), Anecdota novissima. Texte des vierten bis sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart 1984, p. 185, 188-191, 226-232, 264-265 (ad: f. 30v-32v, 212r)
- Blume & 2012 = D. Blume & al. (eds.), Sternbilder des Mittelalters. Der gemalte Himmel zwischen Wissenschaft und Phantasie. Berlin 2012. 2 vols., nr. 22, ill. 274-293
- …
- Adémar de Chabannes
- Isaac Vossius
Tír sholáthair
- Netherlands
Ainm bailiúcháin
Ar fáil den chéad uair ar Europeana
- 2021-10-22T13:31:20.767Z
An uair dheireanach a nuashonraíodh ón institiúid sholáthartha
- 2024-02-28T18:55:56.900Z
Clár ábhair
- Parts I-VIII contain: (f. 1) Note on the history of the monastery of St. Martial in Limoges / Bernardus Iter. - Also contains a list of deceased monks. - (ff. 2-13) Drawings and short fragments, identified and specified by De Meyier: - (f. 4v) introductionary letter to Aesop's fables / 'Romulus'. - (f. 4v) Excerpt from book I of Historia Langobardorum / Paul the Deacon. - (f. 4v) Sententiae septem sapientium. - (ff. 4v-5v) Aenigmata / Caelius Firmiatus Symphosius and pseudo-Symphosius. - (ff. 5v-8r) Fables / Avianus. - (f. 8r) De laboribus Herculis / Ausonius. - (ff. 8r-10r) Poem on the Maccabees / Marius Victorinus. - (f. 10) Carmen de ponderibus / Remius Favinus. - (ff. 10v-11v) Periegesis / Priscian. - (f. 12) Accessus ad Donatum. - (f. 12v-13r) Ars Minor (with glosses to translate words in Greek) / Aelius Donatus. - (ff. 13v, 15v-19v, 22r and 29) Glosses on the Old Testament. - (ff. 14r-15r and 22v-29r) Comments and glosses on works of Aulus Persius Flaccus, Prudentius and Juvenal. - (f. 20r) Sermon / Odo of Cluny. Excerpt from sermon 3. - (ff. 20v-21r) Martyrologium poeticum / pseudo-Bede the Venerable. - (f. 21v) Conflictus veris et hiemis / pseudo-Ovid (probably Alcuin of York. - (ff. 21v and 30r) Epitaphs / Virgil. - (ff. 30 and 32 )Treatise/remarks on astronomy. Also contains remarks on prognostics. - (f. 30v) De Est et non / pseudo-Priscian (Ausonius, pseudo-Virgil). - (ff. 33r-35r) Sermon "De incarnatione domini" (sermon 245)/ Augustine of Hippo. - (ff. 37r-62v) Psychomachia / Prudentius. - Also contains: (f. 44r) A short poem to the praise of Christ. - (f. 44v) Carmen 25 of Publius Optantianus Porphyrius with a short comment. - (ff. 61r-62r) A poem on the heavenly spheres. - (f. 62v) Distichons.
- Parts IX-XIV contain: (ff. 63r-79v) Commentary on Apocalypse / Bede the Venerable. - (ff. 79v-82v) Treatise on the Canticle of Canticles. - (ff. 83r-104r) Epigrammata ex sententiis S. Augustini / Prosper of Aquitaine. - (ff. 104r-106r) Carmen ad uxorem / pseudo-Prosper of Aquitaine or pseudo-Paulinus of Nola. - (ff. 107v-112v) De praeexercitatio rhetoricis / Priscian. - (ff. 112v-114v) De figuris numerorum / Priscian. - (ff. 115r-147r) Nomenclator universalis. - (ff. 147v-148r) De scholis artium in Gallia. Incomplete. - (ff. 148r-153v) Aenigmata / Aldhelm. - (ff. 153v-154r) De metris et enigmatibus ac pedum / Aldhelm. - (ff. 155r-194r) Astronomica / Gaius Julius Hyginus. Also contains: (ff. 188r-190r) Short excerpts from "Naturalis Historia" / Pliny the Elder (book II, 15 en 16). - Remarks on the monastery of St. Martial in Limoges / Bernardus Iter. - (f. 199r) Excerpt a of treatise on Astronomy / (pseudo-)Aratus. - (ff. 191r-194r) Kalendarium. - (ff. 192r-193r) Sententiae. - (f. 194v) A list of names of the bishops of Tours / Ademar of Chabannes. - (ff. 195r-203v) Fables. - (ff. 203v-212r) Propositiones ad acuendos juvenes / Alcuin of York.