rezultata unutar
Erik Schmedes
Erik Schmedes
Danish opera singer (1868-1931)
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Schmedes, Erik; Wagner, Richard
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Schmedes, Erik; Wagner, Richard
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Bland, Elsa
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Schmedes, Erik; Wagner, Richard
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Society for historical sound recordings
Society for historical sound recordings
Society for historical sound recordings
Society for historical sound recordings
Society for historical sound recordings
Society for historical sound recordings
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Schmedes, Erik; Wagner, Richard
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Wagner, Richard; Schmedes, Erik
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero; Schmedes, Erik
Saxon State and University Library Dresden