20 eredmények a belül Személy John Flaxman

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John Flaxman

Angol szobrász

John Flaxman

Catholic University of Leuven

John Flaxman

Wellcome Collection

Bavarian State Library

Jackson, John (Production) (Maler)

Herzog August Library


Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

John Flaxman

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

John Flaxman

Complutense University of Madrid

John Flaxman

Wellcome Collection

Ghent University Library

Caputi, Giuseppe (1813-1841 tätig); Inventor; Richter, ? (1801/1900); Hersteller


Webb, Thomas (tätig um 1800-1830); Medailleur

Numismatic Collection, Berlin State Museums

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