4 088 eredmények a belül Hely Vadstena község

4 088 eredmények visszaadva

Nincs további eredmény a keresési lekérdezéshez.

Vadstena község

Község Svédországban

Ingevald Anundsson

The National Archives of Sweden

Felle, Mayor of Skänninge.

The National Archives of Sweden

Elin Folkesdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

Cutting Iliansson, his wife Ragnhild Johansdotter, Anund Brynjulfsson and Johan Skäringsson

The National Archives of Sweden

Ingeborg Tordsdotter

The National Archives of Sweden

Bengta Bengtsdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

Karl Magnusson.

The National Archives of Sweden

Ingrid Ragvaldsdotter in Tägneby

The National Archives of Sweden

Katarina Eriksdotter, Widow of the Western Speaker Peter (Johansson) Djäken.

The National Archives of Sweden

Peter Beneson and his wife Katrin.

The National Archives of Sweden

Bp Peter in Strängnäs.

The National Archives of Sweden

Nils Knutsson

The National Archives of Sweden

Anders Eriksson

The National Archives of Sweden

Katarina in Trästena and Ingrid Anbjörnsdotter, Sistings.

The National Archives of Sweden

Abbedissan Gerdica and the monastery in Vadstena.

The National Archives of Sweden

The Knight Ture Bengtsson.

The National Archives of Sweden

Abbedissan Gerdeka och generalkonfessorn Erik i Vadstena kloster

The National Archives of Sweden

Gertrud Lagesdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

The priest Nils Petersson.

The National Archives of Sweden

Abbedissan Gerdeka and General Confessorn Ericus in Vadstena Monastery.

The National Archives of Sweden

English Knight Henrik FitzHug

The National Archives of Sweden

Ingeborg Gregersdotter.

The National Archives of Sweden

Lindorm Jönsson

The National Archives of Sweden

Bengt Tomasson.

The National Archives of Sweden