The Virgin Adoring the Sleeping Christ Child
Botticelli's composition, inspired by the work of Filippo Lippi, is unusual in two respects: canvas paintings were still uncommon at this time and the Christ Child was rarely shown asleep. This variation could be interpreted as a reminder of Christ's death. His future suffering for Mankind may also be symbolised by the detailed plants and fruits. The red strawberries, for example, may refer to Chr…
- Sandro Botticelli
- Sandro Botticelli
- religious characters
Tipo di oggetto
- <paintings by form>
- tempera
- tela (materiale tessile)
- Pittura a tempera
- Sandro Botticelli
- Sandro Botticelli
- religious characters
Tipo di oggetto
- <paintings by form>
- tempera
- tela (materiale tessile)
- Pittura a tempera
Fornitore di contenuti
Dichiarazione dei diritti del supporto in questo record (se non diversamente specificato)
Data di creazione
- About 1485
Posizione attuale
- Scottish National Gallery
- Purchased with the aid of the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Art Fund, the Scottish Executive, the Bank of Scotland, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Sir Tom Farmer, the Dunard Fund, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Woodcock (donation made through the American Friends of the National Galleries of Scotland) and private donations 1999
Codice di identificazione
- UK_280_023
- 122.00 x 80.30 cm (framed: 188.00 x 107.30 x 21.00 cm)
- English
Paese fornitore
- United Kingdom
Nome della collezione
Pubblicato per la prima volta su Europeana
- 2019-09-10T15:55:24.682Z
Ultimo aggiornamento dal fornitore di contenuti
- 2019-09-10T15:55:24.682Z