
20. gadsimta sākuma sporta portreti

20. gadsimta sākumā cilvēku aizraušanās ar sportu noveda pie tā, ka viņiem bija oficiālas portretu fotogrāfijas. Kurators ir [Ajuntament De Girona] ( par [Europeana Sport] (

Josep Jou Parés

Girona City Council

Foto Lux

Girona City Council

Antoni Esplugas

The Government of Catalonia

Casas i Galobardes, Gabriel

The Government of Catalonia

Antoni Esplugas

The Government of Catalonia


Girona City Council

Josep Jou Parés

Girona City Council

Casas i Galobardes, Gabriel

The Government of Catalonia


Girona City Council

Antoni Esplugas

The Government of Catalonia

Josep Jou Parés

Girona City Council

Fotografia Unal

Girona City Council

Fotografia Unal

Girona City Council