The Unknown Solder (the film 1985) directed by Rauni Mollberg
content description: Finnish actor Tero Niva (Vanhala) during the shooting of the first battle of The Unknown Solder (1985 film), at the Niinisalo Garrison in Kankaanpää, Finland, on June 6, 1984. The story is based on a book of the same name, by Väinö Linna, the Finnish author, and tells about the Second World War battles between Finland and the Soviet Union (the Continuation War 1941-1944). The…
- Pekonen, Kari
- culture
- art forms
- entertainment
- film production
- films
- actors (stage artists)
- film actors
- cinematography
- films, movies, war films, historic films, historic movies, shooting, filming, filmmaking, field production, location shooting, filmmakers
- helmets
- Kinomatogrāfija
Digitālais objekts veids
- image
- cinema
- fotoattēls
- Kinofilma
- Fotoattēls
- Pekonen, Kari
- culture
- art forms
- entertainment
- film production
- films
- actors (stage artists)
- film actors
- cinematography
- films, movies, war films, historic films, historic movies, shooting, filming, filmmaking, field production, location shooting, filmmakers
- helmets
- Kinomatogrāfija
Digitālais objekts veids
- image
- cinema
- fotoattēls
- Kinofilma
- Fotoattēls
Piegādājošā iestāde
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Izveidošanas datums
- kuvausaika 06.06.1984, kuvausaika 1900-luku, 1980-luku
- Suomi, Satakunta, Kankaanpää, Suomi, Kankaanpää, Niinisalo
- JOKAUS3N01A:10
- #f44eb8e2-4851-435b-af4a-68a88eeb8fc6
- 36,0 x 24,0 mm
Ir daļa no
- JOKA Journalistinen kuva-arkisto
- Uusi Suomi − Iltalehti
Nodrošinošā valsts
- Finland
Kolekcijas nosaukums
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