Hip cloth
The cloth has a pattern on a blue background. The head of the cloth, the kepala (a broad band that interrupts the main pattern of the cloth), in the middle of the cloth is black in color with white and brown flowers. The triangles in the kepala and the two rectangles next to the kepala are filled with birds and leaves on a white background. The large field, the badan, of the cloth is filled with w…
Digitālais objekts veids
- Object Type: fabric
- fabric fragment
- Audums
- voor 1867
- Material: materials for decoration, application and technical finishing
- Material: cotton
- material for decoration, application and finishing
- cotton (fiber)
- Kokvilna
Piegādājošā iestāde
Tiesību statuss šim digitālajam objektam (ja nav norādīts citādi)?
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Izveidošanas datums
- 1867
- 1867/1867
- 1869-08-01
- Schenking
- RV-101-25
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/europeana-fashion/595652
- Technique: batik
- batik
- Batik
Ir daļa no
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Ir saistīts ar
- black
- 1867
Nodrošinošā valsts
- Netherlands
Kolekcijas nosaukums
Pirmo reizi publicēts Europeana
- 2020-03-11T07:13:13.286Z
Pēdējoreiz atjaunināts no piegādājošās iestādes
- 2022-10-15T07:33:21.569Z