Handkerchief belonging to the dance costume of a volador
Scarf of the costume worn by men who perform the "flight of the voladores. \Five voladores, flying men, climb a pole up to 30 feet high. Four of them have a rope tied to their ankle, which is wound around the pole. They throw themselves backwards and descend, head down, in a number of revolutions - usually thirteen - to the ground. The fifth person is the capitán, the leader. He plays a flute and …
Digitālais objekts veids
- Object Type: accessories worn above the waist
- accessories worn above the waist
- Neckcloth
- 1983
- Material: nylon
- nylon
- Nylon
Piegādājošā iestāde
Tiesību statuss šim digitālajam objektam (ja nav norādīts citādi)?
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Izveidošanas datums
- 0-0
- 0
- 1983-10-25
- Aankoop
- RV-5250-2e
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/europeana-fashion/806834
Ir daļa no
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Ir saistīts ar
- ambergris
- rope
- 0
- 1983
Nodrošinošā valsts
- Netherlands
Kolekcijas nosaukums
Pirmo reizi publicēts Europeana
- 2020-03-11T07:13:13.286Z
Pēdējoreiz atjaunināts no piegādājošās iestādes
- 2022-10-15T07:33:21.569Z