Putin's Olympics
They were supposed to be the most environmentally friendly Olympic Games. So far, however, they are only the most expensive. But the full cost that the host city will pay for the Olympics is unknown. It is only clear that the Sochi National Park and the Caucasus Reserve, which are protected by UNESCO, are threatened.
Digitālais objekts veids
- factual
Digitālais objekts veids
- factual
Piegādājošā iestāde
Tiesību statuss šim digitālajam objektam (ja nav norādīts citādi)?
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Izdošanas datums
- 2014-01-17
- 2014-01-17
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/data/euscreenXL/1313945
- bulgarian
- bul
Ir daļa no
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Nodrošinošā valsts
- Germany
Kolekcijas nosaukums
Pirmo reizi publicēts Europeana
- 2014-07-08T14:50:21.364Z
Pēdējoreiz atjaunināts no piegādājošās iestādes
- 2021-11-10T18:12:47.389Z