Italy: Refugee Haven
One year ago several hundred refugees from North Africa drowned when the boat carrying them across the Mediterranean sank off the coast of Lampedusa. The Italian island has come to symbolize a continuing series of refugee tragedies. Governments in Europe are at a loss as to how to deal with the constant stream of migrants, although at least more people are now being saved on the high seas.
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Izdošanas datums
- 2014-10-08
- 2014-10-08
- Itālija
- Eiropa
- Vidusjūra
- Ziemeļāfrika
- Lampedūza
- Lampedūza
- Pelagie Islands
- Itālija
- english
- eng
Ir daļa no
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Nodrošinošā valsts
- Germany
Kolekcijas nosaukums
Pirmo reizi publicēts Europeana
- 2015-01-19T15:01:31.024Z
Pēdējoreiz atjaunināts no piegādājošās iestādes
- 2021-11-10T18:12:47.389Z