Diemžēl šobrīd nevar attēlot objekts mediju, kā tas ir nodrošināts Europeanai. Lūdzu, mēģiniet lejupielādēt mediju vai apskatiet digitālais objekts uz nodrošinošās iestādes piegādājošā iestāde vietnes.
Philosophers Don't Make Money
I left Dublin to undertake my Masters in Philosophy in St Andrews, Scotland.
It was a very affluent school, Prince William & Kate Middleton met there. This book really sums up my thoughts on the world. When I later emigrated to Paris, I worked in a language school as a librarian and brought the book with me. While there I worked with ex-pats, Asians and British.
I lived in Ville D'Aver for firs…
Šo digitālais objekts pakalpojumam Europeana Foundation iesniedza kāds sabiedrības pārstāvis
- Declan Curtis
- Immigration to United Kingdom
- St Andrews
- Emigration from Ireland
- Immigration to France
- …
- Ireland
- Philosophers
- Migrants
- United Kingdom
- Librarians
- Study abroad
- Declan Curtis
- Immigration to United Kingdom
- St Andrews
- Emigration from Ireland
- Immigration to France
- …
- Ireland
- Philosophers
- Migrants
- United Kingdom
- Librarians
- Study abroad
Piegādājošā iestāde
Tiesību statuss šim digitālajam objektam (ja nav norādīts citādi)?
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Dublin, Ireland
- Paris, France
- St. Andrews, Scotland
- Dublina
- Īrija
- Parīze
- Ildefransa
- Francija
- 012
- http://contribute.europeana.eu/contributions/0089f850-43c9-0136-5443-7e7bc77b59f4
- en
- eng
Ir daļa no
- Welcome Home: Europeana Migration Collection Day, Dublin, EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum, 2018-05-26–2018-05-27
Nodrošinošā valsts
- Europe
Kolekcijas nosaukums
Pirmo reizi publicēts Europeana
- 2019-07-25T07:44:04.567Z
Pēdējoreiz atjaunināts no piegādājošās iestādes
- 2021-11-03T11:15:17.292Z