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M'hemmx aktar riżultati għall-mistoqsija tat-tfittxija tiegħek.
Itagħllem iżjed
Fotografie: Besuch von US-Verteidigungsminister Caspar Weinberger in West-Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Besuch von US-Außenminister James Baker in West-Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Visit of Vice President George H. W. Bush to West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: US President Ronald Reagan visits West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: US President Ronald Reagan visits West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: US President Ronald Reagan visits West Berlin
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Besuch von US-Außenminister Alexander Haig in West-Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Official passage of John Kornblum, US envoy in West Berlin
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Antrittsbesuch von General de Division François Cann, französischer Stadtkomma…
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Antrittsbesuch von General de Division François Cann, französischer Stadtkomma…
Allied Museum
Fotografie: Antrittsbesuch von General de Division François Cann, französischer Stadtkomma…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: US President Ronald Reagan visits West Berlin
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Photograph: Unveiling of the monument to General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben at Cl…
Allied Museum
Riżultati addizzjonali mhumiex murija peress li jintwerew biss l-ewwel 1000 riżultat l-aktar rilevanti. Jekk ma sibtx dak li qed tfittex, jekk jogħġbok ikkunsidra li tirfina t-tfittxija tiegħek.
Ta 42
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