20,323 riżultati fi ħdan Organizzazzjoni Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Johann Kenckel
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Holwein, Elias (Production), 1602-1632 (Formschneider)
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Fisher, Son & Co. (Production) (Verlag)
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Johann Mansfeld; Artaria and Compagnie (Production) (Publisher)
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Schober, Hans Wilhelm (Designing), 1675-1681 (Inventor)
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Gabriel de Saint-Aubin
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Art collections of the Veste Coburg
Halma, François (Production) (Publisher)
Art collections of the Veste Coburg