Sfortunatament, il-midja tal-oġġett kif ipprovdata lil Europeana ma tistax tiġi murija bħalissa. Jekk jogħġbok, ipprova tniżżel il-midja jew ara l-oġġett fuq is-sit tal-istituzzjoni fornitriċi li pprovdat.
The Witham Shield
The item is a plate from Archaeologia (see Bibliography).The engraving shows two views of the Witham shield. One view is a detail of the mounts on the shield, and the other is an outline of the whole shield showing the rivet holes for the figure of a boar. It was found in 1826 in the river Witham at Washingborough, Lincolnshire. There are also two views of a circular bronze buckler found c1810 …
- Basire, James
- British Museum
- Meyrick, Llewelyn
- Meyrick, Samuel Rush, Sir
- Armour and Weapons
- Drawings
- Engravings/Etchings/Lithographs
- Metalwork
- archaeology
- Goldwork
- Drawing
- Arkeoloġija
- Basire, James
- British Museum
- Meyrick, Llewelyn
- Meyrick, Samuel Rush, Sir
- Armour and Weapons
- Drawings
- Engravings/Etchings/Lithographs
- Metalwork
- archaeology
- Goldwork
- Drawing
- Arkeoloġija
Istituzzjoni fornitriċi
Fornitur intermedjarju
Dikjarazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-midja f'dan ir-rekord (sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/
- Basire, James|British Museum|Meyrick, Llewelyn|Meyrick, Samuel Rush, Sir
- Bronze Age
- Iron Age
- Aberystwith
- British Museum
- Cardiganshire
- Ceredigion
- England
- Europe
- Goodrich Court
- Lincolnshire
- United Kingdom
- Wales
- …
- Society of Antiquaries of London Catalogue of Drawings and Museum Objects: Primeval Antiquities
- Archaeology Data Sevice
- society_albums/primeval_antiquities/pa17-3
Huwa parti minn
- http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/SoA_images/index.cfm?CFID=9579&CFTOKEN=BF7E76A0-D723-4BB2-9AC4B2BE9A527C12
Jagħmel referenza għal
- John M Kemble, Horæ Ferales; or, Studies in the Archæology of the Northern Nations (London: Lovell, Reeve, and Co., 1863), p. 190. Illustration, pl. XIV, opp. p. 190.|Michael J Jones, Roman Lincoln: Conquest, Colony, & Capital (Stroud: Tempus, 2002). Illustration (Photograph), pl. 4.|Samuel Rush Meyrick, 'Description of Two Antient [sic] British Shields, Preserved in the Armoury at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire', Archaeologia 23 (1831): 92-7. Illustration (Engraving), pl. XIII, opp. p. 96.
Pajjiż fornitur
- United Kingdom
Isem il-kollezzjoni
L-ewwel darba ppubblikata fuq Europeana
- 2020-10-26T02:53:22.909Z
L-aħħar aġġornament mill-istituzzjoni fornitriċi
- 2022-07-23T22:20:57.607Z
Skopri kollezzjonijiet relatati
Skopri oġġetti relatati
British Museum; Meyrick, Llewelyn; Meyrick, Samuel Rush, Sir
Archaeology Data Service
Basire, James; British Museum; Crosse, John; …
Archaeology Data Service
Basire, James; British Museum; Clutterbuck, James C Rev; …
Archaeology Data Service