Buba Box', presentation box with booklet and sample
White box (a) with black figure and red floss on lid and bottom. In the box a booklet (b) with description of the idea and use of 'Buba' and a sample (c): double knitted in relief with pattern of corners and dots in red and black.
- Driessens, Henriëtte
- Textielmuseum, Nederlands
- Driessens, Henriëtte (Designer)
- Textielmuseum, Nederlands (Designer)
Tip ta' oġġett
- Object Type: fashion objects
- Object Type: costume accessories
- Object Type: swatch
- fashion objects
- clothing accessories
- swatch
- Pouch
- Costume accessory
- Swatch
- 2002
- 2002
- Material: cardboard
- Material: wool
- Material: acrylic
- Material: elastane (spandex)
- cardboard
- wool (hair material)
- acrylic fiber
- elastane (spandex)
- Acrylic fiber
- Wool
- Cardboard
- Spandex
- Driessens, Henriëtte
- Textielmuseum, Nederlands
- Driessens, Henriëtte (Designer)
- Textielmuseum, Nederlands (Designer)
Tip ta' oġġett
- Object Type: fashion objects
- Object Type: costume accessories
- Object Type: swatch
- fashion objects
- clothing accessories
- swatch
- Pouch
- Costume accessory
- Swatch
- 2002
- 2002
- Material: cardboard
- Material: wool
- Material: acrylic
- Material: elastane (spandex)
- cardboard
- wool (hair material)
- acrylic fiber
- elastane (spandex)
- Acrylic fiber
- Wool
- Cardboard
- Spandex
Istituzzjoni fornitriċi
Dikjarazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-midja f'dan ir-rekord (sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Data tal-ħolqien
- 2002/2002
- schenking
- 2003
- 12548a=c
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/europeana-fashion/12548a=c
Huwa parti minn
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Huwa relatat ma '
- red
- black
- steel
- 2002
Pajjiż fornitur
- Netherlands
Isem il-kollezzjoni
L-ewwel darba ppubblikata fuq Europeana
- 2020-03-11T07:13:13.286Z
L-aħħar aġġornament mill-istituzzjoni fornitriċi
- 2022-10-15T07:33:21.569Z