Dress worn in Max Havelaar
Strapless dress of which the bodice consists of black cotton with pink and green batik motifs. At the back is a long piece of the same fabric, which closes with press studs at the front. The underskirt, which contains a train, is made of salmon pink fabric printed with black motifs, with colorful glittery threads woven in. A fixed sarong with an attached shawl of red synthetic voile at the waist w…
- Jan Aarntzen
- Jan Aarntzen
- 1987/1988
- Material: cotton
- cotton (fiber)
- Cotton
Istituzzjoni fornitriċi
Dikjarazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-midja f'dan ir-rekord (sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Data tal-ħolqien
- 1987/1988
- kk00377.000
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/europeana-fashion/kk00377.000
Huwa parti minn
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Huwa relatat ma '
- black
- pink
- voile (textile)
Pajjiż fornitur
- Netherlands
Isem il-kollezzjoni
L-ewwel darba ppubblikata fuq Europeana
- 2020-03-11T07:13:13.286Z
L-aħħar aġġornament mill-istituzzjoni fornitriċi
- 2022-10-15T07:33:21.569Z