Female costume for historical dance.
Costume reminiscent of the 'gamurra' of the fourteenth century, with long cut sleeves from which the white muslin shirt emerges and a round neckline edged in red and gold. The dress, moderately close to the body and flared at the back, is made of laminated brocade fabric, silvery-grey, with a large pocket in the shape of a shield on the left side, in red velvet with application of a lion rampant i…
- Gabinetto fotografico SBAS, Marcello Bertoni. (Photographer)
Tip ta' oġġett
- Object Type: women's costume
- women's clothing
- Women's clothing
- Womenswear
- 1887
- Gabinetto fotografico SBAS, Marcello Bertoni. (Photographer)
Tip ta' oġġett
- Object Type: women's costume
- women's clothing
- Women's clothing
- Womenswear
- 1887
Istituzzjoni fornitriċi
Dikjarazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-midja f'dan ir-rekord (sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Data tal-ħolqien
- 1887
- Florencja
- Galleria del Costume di Palazzo Pitti
- 00000030
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/europeana-fashion/00000030
Huwa parti minn
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Huwa relatat ma '
- white
- muslin
- velvet
- brocade
- gold
- gold
- red
- grey
- 1887
Pajjiż fornitur
- Italy
Isem il-kollezzjoni
L-ewwel darba ppubblikata fuq Europeana
- 2020-06-09T07:51:54.493Z
L-aħħar aġġornament mill-istituzzjoni fornitriċi
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