Composite manuscript, two parts (English): 1. (ff. 1r-116r) Poems / John Lydgate, and other text(s). – 2. (ff. 117r-135r) Testament / John Lydgate
Part 1: handwritten, littera cursiva
- John Lydgate
- John Lydgate
- literature (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Leescultuur
- Leescultuur
Type object
- manuscripten
- Manuscript
- John Lydgate
- John Lydgate
- literature (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Leescultuur
- Leescultuur
Type object
- manuscripten
- Manuscript
Deelnemende erfgoedorganisatie
Rechtenstatus van de media in dit record (tenzij anders vermeld)
- Parts 1-2: [second half 15th century]
- 1450-1500
- 15e eeuw
- 1450/1500
- 15e eeuw
- Parts 1-2: England
- England
- United Kingdom
- Engeland
- Verenigd Koninkrijk
Huidige locatie
- Leiden University Library
- Part of the library of Isaac Vossius, which was bought from his heirs in 1690.
- Owned by John Kyng "of Dommowe" (f. 116r-v, 15th century). – Other possible owners or users: "D. Morley" (f. 1r, = Henry Parker, Lord Morley, 16th century). – "Antony Kynwellmarshe" (f. 57r), "Pyatt" (f. 59r), "Thomas Andrew" (f. 105r, c.1600?), "recherd pryntys" (f. 108r), "Jhon Thomas wyf" (f. 109r), "Humfrydus Bertun, curatur" (f. 109v). – Isaac Vossius.
- Kyng, John, of Dunmow, Essex
- Vossius, Isaac, (1618-1689)
- Shelfmark: VGG Q 9
- 1 volume, 135 leaves
- Part 1: ff. 1-116
- Part 2: ff. 117-135
- Part 1: 203x145 mm
- Part 2: 203x130/145 mm
- boeken
- Boek
- eng
- English
- eng
Is onderdeel van
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Vossius, I. (1618-1689)
Wordt aan gerefereerd door
- Bremmer 2001 (p. 53) = R.H. Bremmer Jr, 'Franciscus Junius reads Chaucer: but why? and how?'. In: T.A. Shippey (ed.), Appropriating the Middle Ages: scholarship, politics, fraud. Cambridge 2001, p. 37-72, i.c. p. 53
- Brown & 1943 = C. Brown & R.H. Robbins, The index of Middle English verse. New York 1943.
- Carley 2000 = J.P. Carley, 'The writings of Henry Parker, Lord Morley: A bibliographical survey'. In: M. Axton & J.P. Carley (eds.) 'Triumphs of English': Henry Parker, Lord Morley, translator to the Tudor court. New essays in interpretation. London 2000, p. 27-68, i.c. p. 40
- Catalogus compendiarius 1932 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 1 (Leiden 1932), p. 30
- MacCracken 1911-1934 = H.N. MacCracken (ed.), The minor poems of John Lydgate. Vol. 1. The Lydgate canon; Religious poems (London 1911). Vol. 2. Secular poems (London 1934)
- Senguerdius & 1716 = W. Senguerdius & al., Catalogus librorum tam impressorum quam manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Publicae Universitatis Lugduno-Batavae. Leiden 1716, p. 359
- Van Dorsten 1960 = J.A. van Dorsten, 'The Leyden Lydgate MS'. In: Scriptorium 14 (1960), p. 315-325.
Heeft ontmoet
- Isaac Vossius
- Netherlands
Naam van de collectie
Voor het eerst gepubliceerd op Europeana
- 2021-12-21T16:02:40.639Z
Laatste keer bijgewerkt door deelnemende erfgoedorganisatie
- 2024-02-28T18:55:56.900Z
- Part 1: Contains poems of John Lydgate, unless otherwise stated (some poems by Chaucer or anonymous), all in English: (ff. 1r-7v) "Vita sancti Egidii" (Legend of St. Giles). – (ff. 7v-8r)"Oratio ab eundem" (Prayer to St. Giles). – (ff. 8v-16v) Added title "Just decimation" (Legend of St. Austin at Compton). – (17r-28r) Added title: "Danico invasio regnante Ethelstano una cum historia Guidonis de Warwik" (Guy of Warwick). – (ff. 29v-41v) "Macrabiorum"; added title: "Macrobius, or the power of death over all" (Daunce of Machabree). – (ff. 42r-48v) "Fabula de ave et rustico"; (The churl and the bird). – (ff. 49r-61r) "de fideli amore duorum marcatorum" (Fabula duorum mercatorum). – (ff. 65v-74v) "Arthorus conquestor" (Fall of princes, fragment: King Arthur); (ff. 75r-80r) "De Constantino Imperatore Romano" (Fall of Princes, fragment: Constantin the Great). – (ff. 80v-92r) "Disputatio inter equum aucam et ovem" (Debate between the horse, goose and sheep). – (ff. 92v-94r) "compilation de regibus Anglie" (The kings of England sithen William Conquerour). – (ff. 94v-96r) "Disputatio inter conquerulatorem et fortunam" = Ballad of Fortune / Geoffrey Chaucer. – (ff. 96r) "La bon Conceil de l'auctour" = Truth / Geoffrey Chaucer. – (ff. 96v-98r) "Ffacetia vocata Stans puer ad mensam" (Stans puer ad mensam). – (ff. 98v-101r) Dietiarium or a booke of good counsel" (A doctrine for pestilence; A dietary). – (ff. 101v-102r) "Decriptio Garsichiyis" (Jak Hare). – (ff. 102v-103r) "Littera missiva domini Johannis Lydgate ad dominum Gloucester" (Letter to Gloucester). – (ff. 104r-107r) "Compilatio facta contra Gulosos" (Fall of princes, fragments: The golden world; John the Baptist and Diogenes). – (f. 107r-v) "Preservaryum" / N.N. – (ff. 107v-108v) Added title: "A booke of proverbes of the wise man" / N.N. – (ff.109v) "Jesu Maria" / N.N. – (f. 110r) "Balad" / N.N. – (ff. 110v-111r) "Balada" / N.N. – (ff. 111v) "Paris disgising [?] pallas venus, Mynerva pallas loquitur ad paris de troye" / N.N. – (ff. 112r) "Ballad" / N.N. – (ff. 112r-115v) Incipit: "Most glorious lord, with thy cros be thou my spede, And me defende fro ye fendis Temptacyon ..." (An ABC to the Virgin). – Empty (originally): 109r (notes), 116r (notes, owner inscription), 116v (owner inscription; transcription of the beginning of Lydgate's Testament in part 2).
- Part 2: Contains: (ff. 117r-135v) Testament / John Lydgate.