wyniki w ramach
City in Serbia
B. Miklós; F. László
Holocaust Documentation Center and Memorial Collection Public Foundation - Budapest
Káich Katalin; Polgárné Török Margit - felelős szerkesztő; dr. Király Nina - sorozatszerkesztő
Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Villány Wine Region
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Natural History Museum in Paris
Katzler, Vinzenz (1823-1882)
Hungarian National Museum
Natural History Museum in Paris
Lombos Alfréd
Pastoral Office of the Lutheran Parish of Miskolc
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Yehuda D.
Holocaust Documentation Center and Memorial Collection Public Foundation - Budapest
Papp Vilmos
Holocaust Documentation Center and Memorial Collection Public Foundation - Budapest
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Markusovszky Béla felelős szerkesztő
Central Museum of Disaster Management
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism