resultados dentro do
Antonio Cesti
Antonio Cesti
Italian composer, singer and organist (1623-1669)
Music Library of Greece of The Friends of Music Society
Estense University Library
Estense University Library
Estense University Library
Estense University Library
Victor Talking Machine Company
Saxon State and University Library Dresden
Cesti, Antonio; Ziani, Marc'Antonio
Marciana National Library
Beregan, Nicolò
Braidense National Library
Beregan, Nicolò
Braidense National Library
Moniglia, Giovanni Andrea; Corradi, Giulio Cesare
Braidense National Library
Cesti, Antonio
Library of the S. Pietro a Majella Conservatory
Sbarra, Francesco
Braidense National Library
Moniglia, Giovanni Andrea; Corradi, Giulio Cesare
Braidense National Library
Cesti, Antonio
Library of the S. Pietro a Majella Conservatory