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1.365 resultados dentro do Pessoa
Josep Jou i Parés
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Josep Jou i Parés
Catalan photographer
[Construction of the Municipal Exhibition Chambers]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Pedret Power Plant]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Works on the bed of the Onyar]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Pedret Power Plant]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Pedret Power Plant]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Pedret Power Plant]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Pedret Power Plant]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Municipal Market Project]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Reproduction of a photograph]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Reproduction of the face of Jesus Christ]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Reproduction of a photograph]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Portrait of a woman and a girl]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Playing an engraving]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Works on the River Onyar]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Works on the River Onyar]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Pedret Power Plant]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Onyar River Bed]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Pedret Power Plant]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Municipal Exhibition Chambers]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Municipal Exhibition Chambers]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Municipal Exhibition Chambers]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Municipal Exhibition Chambers]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[French Road Bridge]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
[Construction of the Municipal Exhibition Chambers]
Josep Jou Parés
Girona City Council
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De 42