resultados dentro do
Engenharia hidráulica
Engenharia hidráulica
Sub-discipline of civil engineering concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage
Veria Central Public Library
Αφοί Ασικίδη -- Φωτογράφος
Veria Central Public Library
National Library of Latvia
National Library of Latvia
Αναγνώστου, Ε
Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας και Επικοινωνίας (ΤΠΤΕ)
Αναγνώστου, Ε
Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας και Επικοινωνίας (ΤΠΤΕ)
Schmidt, Egon-Arthur
Library of the Wroclaw University
Public Library Pencho Slaveykov, Varna
Heidelberg University Library
Schledding, Thomas
Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Wiebeking, Carl Friedrich von
Elbląska Digital Library
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Gemeente Nijmegen
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Gemeente Nijmegen
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Gemeente Nijmegen
Regional Archive Nijmegen