Die kleine Kinderschule
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5mm film with center perforation. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his…
- Julius Neubronner
Tipo de item
- Amateurfilm
- motion pictures (visual works)
- Filme
Instituição fornecedora
Declaração de direitos para os média neste item (a menos que especificado de outra forma)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
Data de criação
- 19??
- 19XX
- DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
- #filmportal.de/node/1663226
- #filmportal.de/node/1663226
É parte de
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
País fornecedor
- Germany
Nome da coleção
Publicado pela primeira vez na Europeana
- 2021-12-14T13:07:15.990Z
Última atualização da instituição fornecedora
- 2024-09-16T19:06:36.446Z