Girl with a Pearl Earring
Girl with a Pearl Earring is Vermeer’s most famous painting. It is not a portrait, but a ‘tronie’ – a painting of an imaginary figure. Tronies depict a certain type or character; in this case a girl in exotic dress, wearing an oriental turban and an improbably large pearl in her ear. Johannes Vermeer was the master of light. This is shown here in the softness of the girl’s face and the glimmers of…
- Johannes Vermeer
Tipo de item
- painting
- 1665 - 1665
- 1665/1665
- canvas
- Tela
Instituição fornecedora
Declaração de direitos para os média neste item (a menos que especificado de outra forma)
- 670
- resource_document_mauritshuis_670
- 65 cm
- 39 cm
- 44.5 cm
- 74 cm
País fornecedor
- Netherlands
Nome da coleção
Publicado pela primeira vez na Europeana
- 2017-08-02T11:48:26.069Z
Última atualização da instituição fornecedora
- 2024-09-27T12:48:38.707Z