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Kubische Fläche (KM37)
Kurzbeschreibung: Ein Modell aus der Serie "45 cubics, series II (cylinder cut), 15cm", 2018 gestaltet von Oliver Labs (, auf Basis der 12-cm-Version von 2014 sowie der "ball cut"-Version von 2011.
Kurzname: KM 37
Singularitäten: $ 2A_2^-A_1^- $
Reelle Geraden: 5
Der Typ der Fläche ist derselbe wie bei der Fläche mit der folgenden Formel: $0=x^3 +3x^2 −3xy^2 +3y^2 +z^3+(x−1)z^2−4$
- Labs (Production) (Hersteller)
- Algebraische Geometrie
- Serie von 45 Kubiken
Tipo de item
- mathematical models
- Labs (Production) (Hersteller)
- Algebraische Geometrie
- Serie von 45 Kubiken
Tipo de item
- mathematical models
Instituição fornecedora
Declaração de direitos para os média neste item (a menos que especificado de outra forma)
Data de criação
- 2018
Localização atual
- Dresden
- Labs-KM37-cylcut-15 (Katalognummer)
- 9 x 9 x 15 (in cm)
- Polyamid (SLS) (Material/Technik)
País fornecedor
- Germany
Nome da coleção
Publicado pela primeira vez na Europeana
- 2024-05-17T15:42:06.210Z
Última atualização da instituição fornecedora
- 2024-05-17T15:42:06.210Z
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Labs (Production) (Hersteller)
Institute of Geometry of the Technical University of Dresden
Labs (Production) (Hersteller)
Institute of Geometry of the Technical University of Dresden
Labs (Production) (Hersteller)
Institute of Geometry of the Technical University of Dresden
Labs (Production) (Hersteller)
Institute of Geometry of the Technical University of Dresden