Rhaiadr Y Purthen, Sir Frycheiniog
Computer file. Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales, 2003-2006. (Tirlun Cymru digitisation project). Original file captured in uncompressed TIFF format. Cropping, image size, unsharp masking, gamma correction and compression settings for screen res JPEG were made using Adobe Photoshop v6.0.1 and Abobe Imageready v3 Nexscan F4100; Linocolor v6; Black and White points set from GretagMacbeth colour…
- Watson, Edward Facon fl. 1839-1870
- engraver.
- Radclyffe, William 1783 or 1796-1855
- National Library of Wales.
- England[enk]
- London
- William Mackenzie
- Waterfalls [lctgm]
- Wales [lctgm]
- Powys [lctgm]
- Rivers [lctgm]
- Wales [lctgm]
- Powys [lctgm]
- Fishing [lctgm]
- Wales [lctgm]
- Pyrddin River (Wales) (Library of Congress subject headings (Washington, DC: LC, Cataloging Distribution Service)) [lcsh]
Tipo de item
- still image
- graphic (MARC genre terms (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)) [marcgt]
- Intaglio prints (Thesaurus for graphic materials: TGM II, Genre and physical characteristic terms (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service)) [gmgpc]
- monographic
- Watson, Edward Facon fl. 1839-1870
- engraver.
- Radclyffe, William 1783 or 1796-1855
- National Library of Wales.
- England[enk]
- London
- William Mackenzie
- Waterfalls [lctgm]
- Wales [lctgm]
- Powys [lctgm]
- Rivers [lctgm]
- Wales [lctgm]
- Powys [lctgm]
- Fishing [lctgm]
- Wales [lctgm]
- Pyrddin River (Wales) (Library of Congress subject headings (Washington, DC: LC, Cataloging Distribution Service)) [lcsh]
Tipo de item
- still image
- graphic (MARC genre terms (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)) [marcgt]
- Intaglio prints (Thesaurus for graphic materials: TGM II, Genre and physical characteristic terms (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service)) [gmgpc]
- monographic
Instituição fornecedora
Declaração de direitos para os média neste item (a menos que especificado de outra forma)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
Data de emissão
- [ca. 1872]
- 1872 [start] [questionable]
- 1872
- 1872~
- 1870-1880
- 1870/1880
- WlAbNL
- Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.4 using MARC21slim2MODS3-4.xsl (Revision 1.74)
- (WlAbNL)003381775
- 10107/1131547
- llgc-id:1131547
- vtls003371545
- 1 print : engraving, b&w ; image size 142 x 97 mm., paper size 275 x 211 mm.
- graphic
- preservation
- electronic resource
- remote
- nonprojected graphic
- Estampa
- English[eng] [iso639-2b]
É parte de
- Casgliad Tirlun Cymru = Welsh Landscape Collection
País fornecedor
- United Kingdom
Nome da coleção
Publicado pela primeira vez na Europeana
- 2019-04-05T12:35:05.590Z
Última atualização da instituição fornecedora
- 2019-04-05T12:35:05.590Z