rezultate în cadrul
Europeana Foundation
Σύνδεσμος Ελλήνων Σπουδαστών Γκρατς
Contemporary Social History Archives
Έλληνες Εξωτερικού/ Γκρατς
Contemporary Social History Archives
Δημοκρατικοί φοιτητές του Γκρατς
Contemporary Social History Archives
Δημοκρατικοί φοιτητές του Γκρατς
Contemporary Social History Archives
Contemporary Social History Archives
Michalis Thanasis
Contemporary Social History Archives
Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation
Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade
Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade
Military History Institute and Museum
Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive - Cultural Foundation of the National Bank Of Greece
Mayer, Anton Austria, Graz
Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive - Cultural Foundation of the National Bank Of Greece
Herot Elfriede; Herband Sozialistischer Studenten Osterreichs : Ένωση Σοσιαλιστών Φοιτητών Αυστρίας / Sektion Graz : Παράρτημα Γκρατς; Barlimaier Peter [πιθ.]
Contemporary Social History Archives
Σύνδεσμος Ελλήνων Σπουδαστών Γκρατς
Contemporary Social History Archives
Contemporary Social History Archives
Greek Communist Party of the Interior (KKE esot.) / Austria Party Organisation / Graz
Contemporary Social History Archives
Contemporary Social History Archives