1985 UCC Women's Group Report
A report on the UCC Women's Group, outlining activities and challenges since it was revived in October 1984. It discusses the hostility, intimidation and harassment experienced by members of the the UCC Women's Group and suggest that sexism is entrenched in the college. The group is committed to "directly challenging the inequalities of the sexes as they manifest in UCC and society as a whole."
- Favier, Mary, doctor, 1962-
- UCC Women's Group
- UCC Women's Group
Tipul resursă culturală
- Text
- Report
- 1985-03-04
Instituție furnizoare
Mențiunea privind drepturile intelectuale privind drepturile intelectuale media pentru această resursă culturală (cu excepția cazului în care se specifică altfel)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Digitising these community resources in a publicly accessible digital archive can be seen as fair dealing and reasonable use of these materials (as defined in the 2000 Irish Copyright Act) and in keeping with the ethos and purpose with which they were produced. In addition to this, Permission to Use has also been granted by the owners of the collections and by the relevant community organisations. Items in this digital archive are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No-Derivatives License. Please credit Orla Egan, Cork LGBT Archive and provide a link back to this site
- 1985-03-04
- Cork City, County Cork
- Cork
- http://corklgbtarchive.com/items/show/123
- Arthur Leahy Collection / UCC Women's Group Box
- #cc08x159s
- image
- English
- eng
Țara de proveniență
- Ireland
Numele colecției
Publicat pentru prima dată pe Europeana
- 2020-02-05T17:17:18.767Z
Ultima actualizare de la instituția furnizoare
- 2020-02-05T17:17:18.767Z