Straight dress, neckline with small neckline and collar covered with printed satin fabric and finished with machine-made lace in which lurex threads are threaded through; off-white hand-woven cotton dress in which a relief effect is created by alternating thin and thick warp threads; back and underarm pieces in plain cotton; at the bottom of the back six squares in embroidery with geometric motifs in multicoloured cotton and black, with dots all around in cross-stitch embroidery; hand-sewn.
Straight dress, neckline with small neckline and collar covered with printed satin fabric and finished with machine-made lace in which lurex threads are threaded through; off-white hand-woven cotton dress in which a relief effect is created by alternating thin and thick warp threads; back and underarm pieces in plain cotton; at the bottom of the back six squares in embroidery with geometric motifs…
Tipul resursă culturală
- Object Type: dress
- dress
- Rochie
- 1950/1970
- 1950/1970
Instituție furnizoare
Mențiunea privind drepturile intelectuale privind drepturile intelectuale media pentru această resursă culturală (cu excepția cazului în care se specifică altfel)
Data creării
- 1950/1970
- 1950/1970
- Jajce
- Bosnia și Herțegovina
- Bosnia și Herțegovina
- T09/625
- 128cm (50 3/8in.)
- Technique: weaving techniques
- Technique: print
- Technique: embroidery
- Technique: embroidery
- Technique: machine lace
- textile techniques
- textile printing
- embroidering
- machine lace
- Machine lace
- Weave
- Broderie
- Stampă
Face parte din
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Este legat de
- white
- black
- multicoloured
Țara de proveniență
- Belgium
Numele colecției
Publicat pentru prima dată pe Europeana
- 2023-05-04T06:12:19.106Z
Ultima actualizare de la instituția furnizoare
- 2024-07-16T08:57:24.351Z