Bit, horse
This is a peg type horse bit, serrated wheels missing. It is part of a collection from Mr Lankester, who comes from a family of Suffolk horsemen who worked for some generations for the Duke of Hamilton and later the Duke of Rontrose at Easton near Woodbridge. His father, George, grandfather, William George, and his g.g. father were in change of the Suffolk stud. The equipment detailed below is co…
- LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT : harnessing and shoeing
- Horse
- Cal cu mânere
Tipul resursă culturală
- Bit, horse
- LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT : harnessing and shoeing
- Horse
- Cal cu mânere
Tipul resursă culturală
- Bit, horse
Instituție furnizoare
Mențiunea privind drepturile intelectuale privind drepturile intelectuale media pentru această resursă culturală (cu excepția cazului în care se specifică altfel)
- Suffolk
- Suffolk
- Regatul Unit
- Museum of English Rural Life, University of Reading, United Kingdom
- 66/18/9
- 11927
- of English Rural Life, University of Reading/11927
Țara de proveniență
- Europe
Numele colecției
Publicat pentru prima dată pe Europeana
- 2019-07-31T16:22:01.180Z
Ultima actualizare de la instituția furnizoare
- 2019-10-18T15:44:57.982Z