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Biblioteka Kolegium Filozoficzno-Teologicznego Polskiej Prowincji Dominikanów w Krakowie - PBI

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Jaroszewicz, Florian (1694-1771)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Jaroszewicz, Florian (1694-1771)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Bandtkie, Jerzy Samuel (1768-1835)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Grabowski, Bronisław (1841-1900)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (St; 1822-1895)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Dzieduszycki, Wojciech (1848-1909)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Dębicki, Ludwik Zygmunt (1843-1908)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Bełza, Stanisław (1849-1929)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Bełza, Stanisław (1849-1929)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Barącz, Sadok (1814-1892)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Antoniewicz, Karol (1807-1852)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Jaroszewicz, Florian (1694-1771)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Hołowiński, Ignacy (1807-1855)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Helcel, Antoni Zygmunt (1808-1870)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Dzieduszycki, Wojciech (1848-1909)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Budzyński, Wincenty (1815-1866)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Czarnik, Bronisław (1858-1918)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Barącz, Sadok (1814-1892)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Barącz, Sadok (1814-1892)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Bandtkie, Jerzy Samuel (1768-1835)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Antoniewicz, Karol Bołoz (1807-1852)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Barącz, Sadok (1814-1892)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI

Antoniewicz, Karol (1807-1852)

Library of the College of Philosophy and Theology in the Polish Dominican Province in Krakow - PBI