1 830 výsledkov v rámci Téma Frak

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Coat with the front of the skirt cut away, so as to leave only the tails or rear section of the skirt

SAUVAGE Piat Joseph (1744-1818, peintre)

Mobilier National Collections

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Glomdal Museum

Museumssenteret i Hordaland

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History