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výsledkov v rámci
Neveršovaný epický literárny žáner
Vranos, Ioannis
Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus
Veria Central Public Library
Veria Central Public Library
Jakub of Voragine (blessed; around 1228-1298)
Library of the Wroclaw University
Brygida (holidays; 1302-1373)
Library of the Wroclaw University
Jan Chryzostom (saint; c. 354-407); Basil the Great (saint; around 330-379)
Library of the Wroclaw University
Andreae, Ioannes (around 1270-1348); Henricus de Ratisbona
Library of the Wroclaw University
Johannes Marchesinus
Library of the Wroclaw University
Ernaldus, Bonaevallis; Gaufridus Claraevallensis; Bernardus Claraevallensis
Library of the Wroclaw University
Thomas de Aquino; Nicolaus de Hanapis; Johannes von Jenstein
Library of the Wroclaw University
Jacobus de Voragine; Bernardus; Bernardus Claraevallensis
Library of the Wroclaw University
Library of the Wroclaw University
Library of the Wroclaw University
Library of the Wroclaw University
Nicolaus de Blonie
Library of the Wroclaw University
Henricus de Hassia
Library of the Wroclaw University