Hat in blue bandstraw with flower decoration and voile
The round brimless hat, type toque, is made of blue straw. The brim of the hat is somewhat pointed. The front of the hat is decorated with a bunch of blue flowers. Around the entire hat is a blue voilette with small pompoms. The inside of the hat is finished with a blue ribbon to which a thin white elastic is attached.
- Steiger, Walter (Designer)
- Walter Steiger
- Walter Steiger
Typ objekt
- Object Type: pumps
- pump
- Pump
- 1990/1995
- 1990/1995
- Material: leather
- leather
- Leather
- Steiger, Walter (Designer)
- Walter Steiger
- Walter Steiger
Typ objekt
- Object Type: pumps
- pump
- Pump
- 1990/1995
- 1990/1995
- Material: leather
- leather
- Leather
Poskytujúca inštitúcia
Právny stav na médiá v tomto objekt (pokiaľ nie je uvedené inak)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Dátum vytvorenia
- 1990/1995
- 1990/1995
- MMH.2000.0207
- http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/europeana-fashion/1190038054
Je súčasťou
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Súvisí s
- white
- blue
Poskytujúca krajina
- Belgium
Názov zbierky
Prvýkrát zverejnené na Europeana
- 2024-07-31T12:18:50.695Z
Naposledy aktualizované zo strany správcovskej inštitúcie
- 2024-07-31T12:18:50.695Z